Friday, May 11, 2012

Where does all the time go?

April 30th we celebrated my youngest daughters 18th birthday. Time sure goes by fast. It doesn't seem that long ago that she was toddling around. The day before her party the weather wasn't very nice and I was wondering if we were going to be able to have the party outside after all. It looks very cold and wet for a Californian April doesn't it.

 April 28th was the day of the party. 

We had tons of fun preparing for the big event. Creating, (you will have to wait and see what we did with the scrapbook paper) and baking! Oh my did we bake!
My Oldest Daughter came over on the Thursday night to help bake 90 cupcakes!

 Then the fun part cake of decorating. I was feeling a little overwhelmed at decorating 90 cupcakes, but my dear friend came to the rescue and we decorated those 90 cupcakes in less than two hours.

 We had lots of fun too! Birthday girl made a ton of little flowers, by cutting mini marshmallows in half diagonally and coating them with colored sugars. Thanks Pinterest, that's where my oldest daughter saw the idea!

 TA DA! Cupcakes all ready for the party!

 See what we did with the scrapbook paper? Made cute bunting and put some of her younger photo's on the larger bunting pieces. It looked adorable when it was all finished. :D

 Yes her color scheme was black, white and yellow! 

Some of the many gifts she received. Lucky Girl!

Party is in full swing in our back garden. Two of her friends are in a band and they came to play for us!
Miss Birthday girl had lots of fun that night.

The aftermath next day. Need I say more?

 Except we were all exhausted! Birthday girl slept in until almost noon, and I didn't do very much
 of anything unless it was absolutely necessary. Making lunch and dinner, or maybe it was fast food? 
Fast food, that sounds about right!

April 30th

 Day of her actual birthday we went out to dinner at a local steak house as birthday girl wanted filet mignon. Ohhh it was sooo,o delicious too. She had lots of pressies and plenty of surprises. One was the birthday cake below from her youth leader at church, made especially for Miss A., with love.

I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that our youngest daughter is now 18! 
In 12 days time she will be graduating high school! Yikes!
Am I ready for her to go to college ??

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