Thursday, June 21, 2012

Long Over Due

I chose yesterday (I know the date on my photos say the 19th, but it was yesterday I promise) to sort through and clean up my and B's room. It was loooong over due.
Laundry has been getting done, but not folded, or put away! If only I didn't procrastinate!
So I got down to work and worked all day, folding, sorting and putting away clothes. Then something I'd been meaning to do for a long time I managed to re-arrange all the furniture in the room. It's amazing how many dust bunnies we collect!

I found this under a pile of clothes on the dresser, that came from among Miss R's things. So sweet!
I wish I had taken the time back then to put dates and names on everything that came home from school, with four kids it's hard to keep track of things, let alone remember who wrote or drew what.
I wish I knew how old she was then. Kindergarten?? First Grade?? Maybe!!

Bed stripped and sheets in the washing machine and clothes all folded. I managed to do six loads of laundry in between cleaning and moving heavy furniture. I felt very productive.

I got into trouble from B for moving the armoire and dresser on my own. 
But I did have help moving the bed frame and mattress from Miss R and Miss A.
The floor sparkled with wonderful Murphy's soap and mixed with the smell of good old furniture polish the room smelt wonderful and fresh. I was extremely exhausted and I was looking forward to climbing in my yummy bed of fresh clean sheets. I love the smell of clean sheets. Don't you?
A relaxing day today? I think not, errands to run and Miss A to run around too as I need my car!
 Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I do love clean sheets! Your room looks so inviting! Good job, girl! Oh, that note from Rachael was a tear jerker! How precious!
